Finnish Maintenance Society, Promaint


Who are we and what do we do?
Finnish Maintenance Society, Promaint is an independent, non-profit network of experts in production efficiency, asset management and maintenance. Our goal / vision is to raise the competitiveness of Finnish industry and society efficiency of structures for the best in the world. We have about 1400 personal members, of which about 200 are company and community members.

The year 2022 was the 50th anniversary of the association.

Our mission

  • to promote research and development in the field and provide members with the opportunity to network with the best experts in the field
  • to act as a channel for knowledge and expertise in the field and ensure that members have access to lifelong learning
  • to promote awareness of the importance and value of production efficiency, production asset management and maintenance as a competitive factor for companies and communities
  • to act as a leading influencer in the field in Finland and as a respected international partner.

Our activities

  • The affairs of the association are managed by the board, and it has set up committees to manage and develop the basic tasks of the association. Through the operations of these committees, we are constantly involved in development and the appliances of the newest information.
  • We publish the member magazine Promaint (in Finnish) and the international professional magazine MaintWorld.
  • Together with Taitotalo (formerly AEL), we organize member training related to the maintenance industry.
  • Together with Expomark Oy, we organize professional events in the field.
  • We publish professional literature in the field.

History – how did it all start?

The roots of the association’s activities date back to 1958, when the engineering organizations of the time established a Maintenance Committee, whose task was to monitor and promote the development of the factory service and maintenance industry in Finland. In 1972, the operations became association-based and the name Tehdaspalvelu ry was chosen. In the same year, the association became a member of the umbrella organization of European maintenance associations, EFNMS (represented by maintenance associations in more than 20 countries). In 2001, the association established a limited liability company, KP-Media Oy, to market services to the members of the association. The association changed its name to the Finnish Maintenance Society, Promaint at the beginning of 2008.


We build cooperation networks with national and international groups. International communications are represented by participation in the operation of European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS). We also network the national organizations in our line of business by means of frequent contact and active participation in their operations. We have strong cooperation with maintenance field schools, universities and societies a well as with companies that have maintenance, production efficiency and production property control as part of their business strategy.

Awards and other support

We support the researchers and students of the field economically and actively participate in the in development of occupational education for adults in Finland.

Association meeting

At the annual general meeting of the association, the members of the Finnish Maintenance Society, Promaint elect the association’s board and approve the association’s financial statements, budget and action plan prepared by the board.

The Board

The Board forms a strategy and goals for society’s operation and supervises the progress of the operation. There are Finnish experts of industrial maintenance and production as well as experts of industrial service companies, research factories and teaching represented in the board. The Board is chosen once a year by the members of the society.

Chairman Petri Saarinen, SKF Oy Ab
Vice-chairman Timo Lehtinen, AFRY


  • Mika Immonen, Valmet Oyj
  • Helena Kortelainen
  • Ilkka Mäkipirtti, Puolustusvoimat
  • Ilkka Palsola
  • Jukka Punkari, Tampereen Energia Oy
  • Kari Rahkonen, Fortum Oy
  • Toni Rauvanto, Caverion Industria Oy
  • Kaj Råtts, Pohjolan Voima Oyj

We maintain committees for different trades. Through the operations of these committees we are constantly involved in development and the appliances of the newest information. Promaint has nine active committees, in which members have the opportunity to participate.

General objectives of the committees:
Members’ own development  I  Promaint magazine  I  Providing training opportunities  I  Production of publications  I  Development of trade fairs  I  Data collection


The Finnish Maintenance Society, Promaint maintains close co-operation with educational institutions, universities and associations, as well as with companies where maintenance, production efficiency and production asset management are part of the business strategy.

International universities
Our goal is to identify the latest trends and best practices in the maintenance industry and to be involved in the development and promotion of know-how and training in the European maintenance industry.
The association has information e.g., professors in the field of maintenance in European universities and their expertise.
An example of university cooperation is the Best Master Thesis competition in the field of maintenance, which is held every two years. In the competition, European universities will choose the best Master Thesis in the field of maintenance from among their own students. The best theses will be sent to a jury of professors from different universities for evaluation. EFNMS rewards the best work.

There is also a Maintenance Manager of the Year competition at European level.

European maintenance associations
Through international cooperation, Promaint ensures that Finland has the latest information on what is happening in the maintenance industry in Europe. Promaint has been an active member of the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS) since 1972, which is the umbrella organization for maintenance associations in more than 20 European countries.

Other associations
The association also works closely with associations specializing in maintenance and asset management outside Europe, such as the Global Forum for Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM).

More Info

Please contact:

Timo Lehtinen, Office Manager
Phone +358 40 746 6585

Ilkka Palsola, President of Finnish Maintenance Society




Euromaintenance 2021

14.–16.6.2021 | Rotterdam


Promaint ry  |  Messuaukio 1, 00520 HELSINKI  |  toimisto(at)